Sunday 8 November 2015

Public Buildings

Q&A to Public buildings

  1. List the classification of public buildings.(may 2015 5m)
-          Explain briefly classification of public buildings. (May 2013 5m, Nov 2010)
Ans: Classification of public buildings are as follows:
a)      Dependent buildings: These are the buildings whose function are related to each other and therefore they can be grouped together in the form of civic centres, public markets, recreational and art centres etc.
b)      Independent buildings: These are the buildings which have to stand alone such as monumental buildings etc.
c)      Institutional buildings: These are the buildings are in the form of institutions, mostly educational and they include schools, collages, etc.
d)     Miscellaneous buildings: These buildings provide services and amenities to the town and they include power houses, pumping   stations, sewage disposal plants etc.

  1. Write a note on grouping of public buildings. (May 2015 5m, Nov 2015 5m)
Ans:   The grouping of public buildings may be in the form of a concentrated arrangement or a dispersed arrangement. A concentrated arrangement results in economy, easy supervision, and good architectural effect from one building to the other. A dispersed arrangement, provides more light and air and less risk from fire and nuisance.
The aesthetic considerations which favour the grouping of public buildings are as follows:
(1)               Common architectural style of the building;
(2)               Proper setting of buildings by planting trees and shrubs;
(3)               Sufficient open spaces for full view.
      Following arête categories in grouping of public buildings are:
a)      Administrative buildings: These are known as the civic centres or community centres the building such as public library, post office etc.
b)      Educational buildings: The buildings include in this category are schools, colleges etc.
c)      Health institutions: The buildings like clinics, nursing homes, hospitals etc. such institutions should be located in calm and quiet atmosphere.
d)     Recreation institutions: The recreational centres are formed by grouping cinema halls music halls etc.
e)      Social institutions: The buildings which deal with social and cultural activities of town include galleries, museums etc.

  1. What are the factors to be considered while selecting a site for public buildings? (Nov 2014 5m, Nov 2009 5m)
-          List the factors to be examined at the time of site selection for the public buildings. Explain any two of them. (Nov 2009 5m)
 Ans: Following factors should be considered while selecting site for the public buildings:
a)      Purpose
b)      Grouping
c)      Parking space
d)     Foreground

Purpose: The site should be of easily accessible and the purpose for which the public building is constructed. The following are the few examples for locating the public buildings depending upon the purpose they serve:
A.    The central library should be located in a quiet place with ample open space around it and also easily accessible to the whole or part of the city it serves.
B.     Schools and small educational institutes should be located near the residential areas, and away from main arterial roads and free from noise, bustle of traffic.
C.     Hospitals should be located away from the town center and be free from noise, bustle, dust etc. should have sufficient area for future extension.
D.    The main force office should, if possible, be near the railway station and within easy walking distance from the business center.
E.     Buildings such as Town-Hall, Assembly Halls should be located at the focus of the main roads and should be accessible from different parts of the town.
F.      Monumental building should be located at the summit to face the natural features like river or sea or axis of a parkway so as to produce a picturesque effect.

Grouping: The public buildings whose functions are interested should be located very near to each other. Care should be taken to group similar buildings to make a beautiful composition in harmonious surroundings to produce the most charming effect.
Foreground: The site of public buildings should have sufficient foreground so that a full view may be obtained. It is desirable that the observer should be at a distance equal to twice the height of the building. If there is no foreground available, a site at the terminus of a thoroughfare or at an intersection of the streets at which the traffic converges may be desirable.
Parking space: The sites for public buildings such should have ample and adequate parking space around which reduces traffic congestion on road.
  1. What are the principles of design of public buildings? (May2010 5m)
Ans: Following are the broad principles which are to be observed while
         Designing the site and size of the public buildings:
1.      Adequate sites: Land acquired for public building should be sufficient for present requirements as well as future expansion. Adequate parking area and foreground should be provided.
2.      Approaches: The approaches to and from the group of public buildings are of vital importance and they should properly designed to suit requirement.
3.      Business buildings: The public buildings should not be mixed up with business buildings. The public buildings should be near to but not abutting main roads.
4.       Comprehensive study: The sites of public buildings should be determined on the basis of a comprehensive study of city and of its consequent neighborhoods so they may have qualities necessary for convenience and orderly development.
5.      Education: The educational institutions e.g.: School, colleges, etc. should not be placed directly on through roads and at their junctions. An adequate area of land should be provided to accommodate future population.
6.      Fire station: The location of a fire station will depends upon the shape of town. It should abut on the streets and it should centrally located. Number of fire stations depends upon the population at particular area and type of public building.
7.      Hospitals: Adequate area should be reserved for hospital. The dispensaries for the out-patients should be adequate and well spread throughout the town. The specialized hospitals to treat certain types of diseases only such as cancer, tuberculosis, leprosy, etc. can be provided in case of large towns or metropolitan city.
8.      Markets: The number of markets will depend upon the size of town. As a lot of traffic as well as a number of delivery trucks are to be employed for transporting goods to the markets, the wholesale markets for fruits, vegetables, etc. should be provided away from the congested area.
9.      Refuse disposal: The provision should be made for quick and efficient collection and disposal of various types of refuse, so that they do not cause any nuisance to the public.     
10.  Shops: The town should be equipped with a number of small shops containing items of day-to-day use. The large number of shopping malls are coming up in the major cities of India. Proper care should be taken while locating these to avoid traffic congestion.
11.  Social & cultural centers: Depending upon the needs and tastes of the community, the adequate provision should be made for various social and cultural centers such as cinemas, theatres, marriage malls, club house, art galleries, community halls, temples, mosques, churches, etc.
5. Write a short note on Town centres.
Ans: A town centre is the main administrative, business, entertainment and cultural of the town, it serves the large population as a whole and so should be provided with traffic facilities like central bus terminus, railway stations, etc.
  • As an administrative centre, it is the meeting place for all the citizens of the country and it includes Municipality, Town hall and Civic square where public functions can be held.
  • As a business centres, it is the place where the people go to purchase costly and luxurious goods, together with a wide variety of articles which are made available than in the neighborhood units.
  • As an entertainment and cultural centre, it is the place where the people go to enjoy a movie to listen to music, and to visit the exhibition of pictures, paintings or sculptures, etc.
From the point of view of planning, it is the usual practice to divide the various functions into three groups as below:
a)      Business Centre
b)      Light Shopping Centre
c)      Civic Centre

6. Write the advantages and disadvantages of grouping public buildings. (May 2013 5m)
Note: Refer Rangwala text book

·         Town Planning by Rangwala. Published by Charotar, 24th edition; 2011.
·         Town Planning text book by H.S. Vishwanath, Published by Sapna book house, 2nd revised and enlarged edition; 2014.

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