Tuesday 16 February 2016

Mugshot for Second Internal Test-WRE

1.      What is reservoir? State the functions of reservoir.
2.      Discuss the factors influencing site selection for a reservoir.
3.      What is a dam? Give the classification of dam. 
4.      What are the causes for failures of earthen dam? Discuss in detail.
5.      Define gravity dam. Explain the forces acting on a gravity dam.
6.      Discuss the causes for the failure of gravity dam and remedial measures to prevent the failure.
7.      What is canal lining? What are its advantages?
8.      What is canal alignment? State the methods of canal alignment.
9.      Mention and explain the methods of canal lining.
10.  Explain with sketch, the layout of canal system.
11.  What is rain water harvesting? Explain the methods of rain water harvesting with neat sketch.
12.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of rain water roof catchment?
13.  Write a note on flood water management. And methods of flood water management.
14.  Write a note on water quality management. And mention the effective measures for water quality management.

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