Monday 2 May 2016

Water Resource Engineering

Frequently Asked Questions

1.      Name the major water resources (or rivers) in India.
Ans. The major water resource in India are as listed below; Narmada, Tapathi, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, Pennar, Ganges and its tributaries, Indus and its tributaries, River Brahmaputra.

2.      Name the major water resource projects in Karnataka.
Ans. The major water resource projects in Karnataka are as follows;
·         Tungabhadrs project – Hospet
·         Upper Krishna project – Alamatti
·         Krishna Raja Sagar project – Mysore
·         Harangi project – Kodagu
·         Navilterth project – Savadatti
·         Linganamakki project – Jog
·         Vani Vilasa Sagar – Hiriyur
·         Basava sagar project - Narayanpura
·         Nugu reservoir – H.D Kote, Mysore, etc.

3.      What is a multipurpose project? Name the major multipurpose irrigation project in India. (Nov 2010 5m)
Ans. The projects which are planned and constructed to perform various purposes together are called as multipurpose projects. The reservoir not only serves one but various purposes such as protection of downstream areas from floods and serves as water supply unit for irrigation and industrial purposes. Some of the important multipurpose projects in India are as follows;
·         Bhakra Nangal Project – Himachal Pradesh
·         Tihari water Project – Uttarakhand
·         Nagarjuna Sagar Project – Andra Pradesh
·         Sardar Sarovar Project – Gujrat
·         Krishna Raja Sagar- Mysore
·         Tungabhadra Prpject – Hospet
·         Mahi Project
·         Gandak Project
·         Kosi Project

4.      Define irrigation. Briefly explain the necessity of irrigation. (May 2006 5m)
-          What is irrigation? What are its necessities?
Ans. Irrigation may be defined as the process of supplying water to the land by artificial means for the purpose of cultivation. The water supplied to the land naturally by rain is usually not sufficient for the proper growth of the crop, therefore, the objective of irrigation is to supplement the natural supply of water to land to obtain the optimum yield from the crop grown on the land. Generally, the following factors lead to the necessity of irrigation.
·         Low rainfall or non-uniform rainfall.
·         Additional requirement of water to the commercial crops.
·         To have a controlled and planned water supply.

5.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of irrigation? (May 2005 5m, Dec 2005 5m, May 2006 5m, May 2009 8m, Nov 2011 5m)
-          List the advantages and disadvantages of irrigation.
-          What are the benefits of irrigation? (May 2008)
Ans. Advantages-The following are the advantages of irrigation;
·         Protection from famine.
·         Improvement in yield and value of crop.
·         Generation of hydroelectric power.
·         Inland irrigation.
·         The irrigation canals can be used for domestic and industrial water supply.
·         Improvement in transportation due to road facility on canal banks.
·         Increase in ground water storage.
·         Improves canal plantation.
·         Increase in food production.
·         Fish industry can be developed along the banks of reservoir.
·         Increases the economy of the country.
·         Overall development of the country.

   Disadvantages-The following are the disadvantages of irrigation;
·         Irrigation results in colder and damper climate, causing outbreak of diseases like malaria.
·         Water logging is a major concern due to over irrigation, resulting in reduced crop yields.
·         Cost of irrigation is some times more than the revenue generated.
·         Presence of canals affect the drainage conditions of the area.
·         The irrigation water gets mixed with nitrates in the soil and seeps into the ground water to some extent, and pollute the ground water.
·         Deep canals may prove dangerous for people who do not know swimming.
·         Irrigation projects requires huge capitals, and also skilled labors are required for the construction.

6.      Write a note on world water resource.
Ans. Water is the most important natural resource and is vital for all living beings on the earth. Oceans cover about 71% of the total land surface and has 97% of water. 2% of water is present in frozen form as ice caps. Deep underground resource cover about 0.31%. Thus 99.31% of water is of no use to man. The remaining 0.69% of water represents the fresh water resource. Among fresh water, rivers and lakes holds 3% and the atmosphere holds 3%. Remaining percentage is distributed in other fresh water resources.

7.      Write a short note on India’s water resource.
Ans. The main source of water for India is rainfall over the most of the parts and snowfall in the north region. The rainfall varies from place to place every year. The average annual rainfall is about 119.4 cm. The total annual water resources are approximately equal to 4000km3. The total annual surface water flow is 1800km3, from which 150km3 is stored in various reservoirs, tanks etc. 1650km3 water is retained on soil and it goes to the atmosphere as evaporation and transpiration. 

8.      Explain with a neat sketch Hydrology cycle. (Vishwanath pg. 7 and sharp series pg. 6)

9.      Explain with a neat sketch working of float type automatic rain gauge. (Sharp series pg. 9)

10.  Explain with a neat sketch working of symon’s type rain gauge. (Sharp series pg. 6)

11.  Explain the factors affecting run-off from catchment. (Sharp series pg. 11)

12.  Explain the methods of finding out the average rain fall of a catchment. (sharp series pg. 12)

13.  Explain the types of precipitation. (sharp series pg. 17 & Vishwanath pg.8)

Ans. Conventional, Orographic, Cyclonic, Frontal, Non-frontal precipitation. (Refer text book)

14.  Define the following (For answers, Check out in blog - Irrigation water requirements)
a)      Crop period
b)      Base period
c)      Duty
d)     Delta
e)      Gross Commanded Area (GCA)
f)       Cultivable command Area (CCA)
g)      Intensity of irrigation
h)      Outlet factor
i)        Kor-period

15.  Explain the crop seasons – Rabi and Kharif. (For answers, Check out in blog - Irrigation water requirements)
16.  What are the factors affecting the Duty of water?
Ans. The following are the factors affecting the Duty of water:
1)      Type of crops.
2)      Climate condition of the area.
3)      System of irrigation.
4)      Method of irrigation.
5)      Method of cultivation.
6)      Quality of irrigation water.
7)      Type of soil and sub soil of the irrigated field.
8)      Time of irrigation and frequency of cultivation.
9)      Type of soil and subsoil of the area through which canal passes.
10)  Canal conditions.
11)  Skill of the cultivator.
12)  Method of assessment of irrigation water.
13)  Topography of land.
14)  Base period of crops.

17.  Explain sprinkler irrigation and mention its advantages and disadvantages. (Sharp series pg. 35)

18.  What is meant by drip irrigation? State the advantages of drip irrigation. (Sharp series pg.40)

19.  Differentiate between open well and tube well (Sharp series pg. 44)


20.  Which are the factors considered in the selection of site for a reservoir? (May 2015 5m)
-          Discuss the factors influencing site selection for a reservoir. (Nov 2011 8m)
-          Explain the surveys to be conducted at a proposed reservoir site. (Nov 2013 5m) (Sharp series pg. 45)

21.  Write a short note on reservoir sedimentation. (Dec 2014 5m) (Sharp series pg. 78)

22.  Explain earthern dam with a neat sketch. (May 2011 5m)

-          Draw a cross-section of an earthen dam and mention its components. (Dec 2014 5m) (sharp series pg. 65)

23.  What are the causes for failures of earthen dam? Discuss in detail. (May 2015 5m)
-          Discuss the causes of failure of earthern dam. (Nov 2011 7m) (sharp series pg. 70)

24.  Define gravity dam. Explain the forces acting on a gravity dam. (May 2011 6m)
-          Name any five forces which acts on a gravity dam. (May 2015 5m)
-          Briefly explain the forces acting on a gravity dam. (Nov 2011 8m)

-          What do you understand by gravity dam? What are the forces that act on a gravity dam? (May 2014 5m) (sharp series pg. 47)

25.  What is a spillway? Enumerate various types of spillways. (May 2014 5m) (sharp series pg. 58)

26.  Write a short note on maintenance of tanks. (Dec 2014 5m)

-          Write a short note on restoration of tanks. (May 2011 5m)   (sharp series pg. 79)

27.  What is canal alignment? State the methods of canal alignment. (sharp series pg. 80)

28.  What is canal lining? What are its advantages? (sharp series pg. 83 & 84)

29.  What is canal drop? List the types canal drop. (sharp series pg. 87)

30.  What is canal? List the different types of canals. (sharp series pg. 91)

31.  What are characteristics of good lining? (Sharp series pg. 93)

32.  Discuss the maintenance aspects of canals. (sharp series pg. 94)
33.  What is cloud seeding? Explain the technique of cloud seeding. (Sharp series pg. 135 and 136)

34.   Explain rain water harvesting. Mention its purpose, methods, and advantages also. (sharp series pg. 133 and 134)

35.   Write short note on ground water management. (sharp series pg. 137)

36.   Explain water shed management. (sharp series pg. 134)

37.   Explain flood management. (sharp series pg. 135)

38.  Write a note on ground water pollution. (sharp series pg. 130)

39.  Discuss the methods of ground water recharge. (sharp series pg. 129)

40.  Explain confined and unconfined aquifer. (sharp series pg. 126 and 127)

41.  Explain the following: Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquitard, Aquifuge. Porosity, Ground water yield, permeability, specific yield, specific retention, transmissibility. (sharp series pg. 124, 125, and 126)


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